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Cupping Therapy with Alex Lochhead

Cupping Therapy

Cupping is an ancient folk medicine predominantly used today, in the UK, for aches and pains. It is mostly used for easing muscle tension, tightness and constriction. It can also be used for easing fever and treating colds and chest infections. 

It works by promoting blood movement and flow. It also helps move lymph or body fluid and aids in muscle recovery.  Most people find it relaxing. I use it in conjunction with acupuncture, infrared light therapy and massage.  However, some people simply like to book a cupping treatment, by itself, without the acupuncture.  I am now offering a forty five minute cupping therapy treatment for people who wish to receive cups and no acupuncture. 

Cups can be used in a stationary position on the flesh and left in place for a few minutes, or they can be gently pulled across the skin to give a deep massage.

Cupping can leave noticeable marks on the skin that can take a few days to a week to clear. Sometimes these cupping marks can be pink, red or even purple. These marks are evidence of tiny blood capillaries being broken under the vacuum that the cups create on the surface of the skin. When these tiny capillaries are broken they are triggered to heal themselves, encouraging better blood flow to the muscle and in turn improving its function. 

The types of issue that I generally work with include:

sore and aching muscles,

muscles spasms,

pulled muscles,

damaged muscles, and

weak muscles.

I hope this page gives you a little insight into my cupping treatments. Should you wish to book a session or ask a question, please see the buttons below.

Thank you for reading!


I generally use cupping as part of an acupuncture treatment, but we mustn't underestimate the power of cupping as a treatment in it's own right.

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